sexualphases: 1996 January 25, kaleb Damien Elliot was born. His dad instantly left when he saw his face, and never even came back to the house. 1997, 2 years old. he starts walking but had quite trouble. his bones was not as strong as the others so he just stood and held on to chairs, while he watches all the other two year olds walking around like a normal person would. 2000, 4 years old, he was told, his father was a drug dealer and his mom was a prostitute, by his grandma. his grandpa died in a fire, so he was rather living in a poor house with his grandma. 2004, she found someone new and he was rather rich and let's us live with him, he hated my absolute guts. he was get in trouble for the stupidest shit. 2013, 17 years old, he found out he suffered from mental illness, such a anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia. he came out to the class one day. And all he did was got bullied after. Shoved into lockers, pushed into people and then got beat up for it, even told them shut the hell up and got in trouble because the teacher thought he was talking to her. he goes home one day and grabs razors from his mums drawer and starts making slits in his arms. he got caught one time by his sister and she called a therapist. He still goes till 2015. he had shock therapy, and almost got put into a mental asylum. all he wanted was to be happy...but it never seemed to work. 2015, of August he meant a lady named lotus and loved her before she knew his name. His best friend Vic is always there for him. Sometimes. But lotus is really nice and not mean at all (lies.) and he loves her a lot... - - - - - #daddyrp🌸 #openrp #anyrp #rp #literaterp