: It is amazing how much confidence come from strength. Tested out Back Squat and Push Press..and I was super happy with a 30 lb increase in back squat....10 lb increase in push press...was ok...my weakest lift.... Monday starts round 2 of Charlie Mike. This time focusing on my nutrition and increasing strength. My WHY...well I have a lot of whys... 1. my shallow why: because I want to look great in a bikini at my husbands family vacation 2. My deep why: because I am getting older and want to age strong and healthy as opposed to weak and sick 3. My inspiration why: because I want to be an inspiration to my 10 year old daughter and ladies my age who think it is impossible to do it all. 4. my proud why: because I want to make my husband proud, and most of all make myself proud of me for sticking with it for the entire challenge But mostly I want to look HOT in a bikini 👙 #transformyou #charliemikefit #beautyinstrength #crux #sweetcakes #picplaypost