Jujuwipeout: So I know this wasn’t made in acapella but I am really proud and seek self acceptance through social media 🙃 Anyway this is an original song I made called “summer rain” I did everything exept for the drums, which was by my uncle. Anyway please... Enjoy?
#garageband #original #synthesizer #bass #drums #piano #sax #brass #acapella #acapellaapp #acapellaappstore
Jujuwipeout: So I know this wasn’t made in acapella but I am really proud and seek self acceptance through social media 🙃 Anyway this is an original song I made called “summer rain” I did everything exept for the drums, which was by my uncle. Anyway please... Enjoy? #garageband #original #synthesizer #bass #drums #piano #sax #brass #acapella #acapellaapp #acapellaappstore
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