artofgirl: In addition to racism, the underlying plot is gun control based on our emotional compliance with proposals. When shootings of any sort occur, it evokes emotion, of course, which then brings us on board to agree with whatever is thrown our way on how to suppress them. If firearms are banned, and exclusive to the military and government, what's next ? ________________________________________ Also, guns are not to blame. There are hundreds of ways to kill and harm individuals. This is not the guns fault. Notice how each shooting, bombing and riot is addressed in the media. It always addresses #GunControl So let me get this straight... the gun picked its self up and went off on people? It is not the gun, it is the motive and because we are a free country- out of control and improperly acknowledged- this will continue unless the population speaks up. We need more people to care. We need more people awake. Because if we continue to go to sleep, then we may never wake up. So instead of paying attention to distractions like who won the game and which celebrity got lip injections, and which 27 yr old went missing (ran away) locally- we need to pay attention to the world and our entire country. #SupportCharleston #Obama #Charleston #Repost #WhereTheThinkersAt #Truth #WakeupAmerica #StopRacism #EndViolence #WorldPeace