lunakana: Started a day with a car wash, went to the Junction area to check out, found a funky pink pig, got some cool stuff from a local shop called Latre, got a pizza as a lunch and had a Mojito and a salted caramel gelato!! On the way home we went through the highpark. Such a beautiful Sunday!! 洗車から始まり、ジャンクションエリアを散策、ピンクの豚見つけて、Latreって言うお店で色々買い物、ピザ食べてモヒートと塩キャラメルのアイス片手にハイパーク通り抜けて、何て言い日曜だった事‼︎ #sunday #sunnyday #beautifulday #shopping #junction #carwash #highpark #mojitogelato #saltedcaramelgelato #outofprint #pinkpig