daughtah_of_the_most_high: Today my lil man turns the big tre!!! Oh man where do I start I remember the day you were born how little u were (since your cousins are huge babies) 😊 and how calm and alert you always were to everything around you! You were born with the love of music and that why I chose this song for you since it is your favorite to sing! I love how goofy you are how smart and out going you are how fearless you are your always tellin everyone high and always smiling!! Your so sweet and you are such a character u make me laugh at all the goofy things u do and say!! I can't believe I'm blessed to watch you grow every single day! I love you so much Shiah Kingston and wish you an incredible birthday!!! Happy birthday baby boy!!! #mynephew #thebig3 #wishhimahappybirthday #blessed #shiahkingston #lovesavei