: In case you ever wanted to know how to collect and prepare omahandja for dinner... Here's a play by play! Step 1: Grab a hoe and head to the corral. Start digging! Step 2: Get a nice little pile going. Step 3: Pick one up to start prepping them! Step 4: Get a good hold on it. Step 5: Rip it in half and squeeze out all the poop! (This is an important one, as these babies feed on manure... So you don't want that in your food!) Step 6: Cook in a clay pot over an open fire with minimal water and only add salt! Step 7: Enjoy! (Or if you're a chicken like me, run to the mini-market to grab some milk to eat with your porridge instead!) . . #peacecorps #peacecorpsnamibia #pcnamibia #namibia #wambo #howiseepc #picplaypost