johannasmith_teamfinishstrong: Several weeks ago, I stepped onto a scale (something I rarely do). I wasn't surprised by what I found; it only confirmed what I already knew. I wondered how could someone that managed to shed 30 pounds have gained close to 6 of them back? But I knew how. It was one bite, one morsel, one bad meal after another. But I promise that this post is NOT about weight gain. Or even about how to lose it. Packing on pounds is rarely just about bad nutrition. It is an "inside" problem first, made manifest in any one of many ways - overspending, overeating, overdrinking. For me, it was about taking my anxieties to the cupboard for late night snacking - A LOT OF IT - instead of taking them at the end of a long day to the One who could and would carry them for me. Each morning, I spend time with God - lifting my concerns and needs to Him. Throughout the day, I do the same. But something was happening at the end of the day. I was taking them back - more like "snatching" them back from where hours ago, I laid them at His feet. These past several weeks have been a desperately needed reminder of why I need to bind God's word continually on my heart, especially at night before I sleep. "When you walk about, they will guide you. When you sleep, they will watch over you. And when you awake, they will talk to you." (Proverbs 6:22) It isn't just so I don't hand them over to some illegitimate craving - like raiding the cupboard late at night. Night after night. Or even so I don't put on another 5 pounds. This is about my heart - the root of every issue. And giving it to the One who can perfectly care for it, because it is to Him that it belongs. #anxiety #faith #heart #God #Christ #Scripture #fitness #faithcenteredfitness #faithfilledfitness