classy_ambina: I went to ground zero yesterday...and the 9/11 memorial is so beautiful. Pictures and video do it no justice. Walking around the 9/11 tribute center I felt so many things. First, I felt proud that we were rebuilding as a nation and that terrorist didn't break the American spirit. I also felt proud of the human race; so many countries from around the world have 9/11 memorials and shared our pain on what took place that day. Secondly, I felt extreme sorrow. I tried hard not cry and fought off so many lumps in my throat but how can you not shed tears when you see a wall full of innocent people who were all murder in the name of what??? "Religion." How could you not cry when you read snippets from people who talked about there mother who was on one of the flights, or parents returning to work that day after just returning from maternity or paternity leave? How could you not shed a tear when you come face to face with a person that worked at the twin towers that day as you listen to them share their stories with cracked voices as they try to fight off tears? How could you not cry when you see people on the 90th floor hanging out the window because they don't know if they want to burn to death or die from the fall? Lastly, I felt angry and the Marine in me just felt like screaming kill everybody, show no mercy. When you tally up the death toll that took place on 9/11 and add the number of service members who've last their life fighting the war on terrorism it should leave us all heartbroken and disgusted. Despite my mixed emotions it was a great experience and if given the opportunity all people not just those in NYC should see it. #wewillneverforget #9/11 #remember #protectourinnocent #oneteamonefight