: I've been waiting on this day 1995 and its finally here!!!! I PASSED THE FLORIDA BAR YA'LL!!!!! I am now a #LICENSED_ATTORNEY (as soon as I'm sworn in ... Lol)! I checked my results at 9:04AM this morning and I've been crying, praying and talking to Him ever since. My journey to get me to this point has been long and tiresome. I'm forever grateful that He brought me through it and I thank everyone that He placed in my path to help me along the way. He didn't give this to me when I wanted it, and Lord knows I've wanted it for a long time and I just couldn't understand WHY it wasn't happening for me. BUT He had a different plan and He gave it to me when I needed it the most!!!! #HeIsAnOnTimeGod I promise you I could go on and on --- and I will in another post, lol. But for now just know that I am humbled and proud to be able to add #ESQUIRE to the end of my name!!!!!! You don't have to address me as #Doctor anymore --- I prefer #Esquire πŸ˜©πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ˜Š #BlackGirlMagic #DreamSlayer #I_Have_Accomplished_Every_Goal_I_Ever_Set #Yaaaaaaaaas #FormerPRINCIPAL #NowATTORNEY What a good ga-d@mn birthday present!