: Happy birthday, feliz cumpleaños Alfy. I was planning on writing this really nice post about how much you mean to me and how much I miss you, but I just can't seem to find the words. The last time I talked to you was on August 12th at 1 in the morning. You left home. Further developments in my investigation to find you are barely finding anything. But I don't know, you're out there somewhere I know. I can feel that. No one has heard from you in almost 8 months. And now it's your birthday. All I want, more than just about anything, is to talk to you. You really are one of my soul mate, and I hope you are still keeping my ohm necklace safe. And I hope to find you soon. I'm doing my best. I miss you, I love you, happy birthday Alfonso ❤️ #efldallascrayforever #youshine #ohm #fuckinghell #cigarettes #soulmate #lost