profphemmy: just on a Saturday:This won't hurt to do FIGHT FOR HER Dear King, As a man, sometimes you have to do the things you hate in order to keep the woman you love. It's nothing more painful than losing your queen over pride. If you love her, fight for her ... Or somebody else will. This is pure testimony from me that I've dropped the ball multiple times when it's come to women I've loved. I let my pride get in the way and I never fought with passion. I let them walk. Maybe it was my pride. But the good thing is, as I grow and experience, I'm learning! This next fight is going to be to the finish because I won't lose this time. Men, learn from me. Please! Just treat her right the first time and you won't even have to go through a fight) Let's make 2016 a great year! #DailyLessonsFromDon #LifeLessons #TheReal #TheLockerRoomTeacherRepostRegramApp -FIGHT