johannasmith_teamfinishstrong: Raise your hand if you don't exactly jump outta bed eager to get your workout on! ✋🏼 While I'm so grateful for my journey to physical fitness and health, it is FAR from perfect. What the 15 seconds allowed by IG don't capture are the times I have to stop and catch my breath. Or the times I come close to quitting each session. Or how I deviate from my meal plan even though I have something perfectly healthy waiting for me in the fridge. The point. No matter the setback, tomorrow I'll wake up and attempt this whole "fitness" thing again. And my hope is that as I share my journey - the good, the bad and the absolute UGLY - it encourages you on your own. T25 Gamma (aka "my first love") Day 2, Rip't Circuit. #fitness #fitnessjourney #fitnessmotivation #homefitness #T25 #health