mrunbreakable77: Walked 21 blocks from hotel to hells kitchen for my warmup.. Then worked on 3 C&J every 2min for 8min of 70, 75, and 85% of 1RM.. Followed by metcon of 7min AMRAP of 7 power snatch, 14 T2B, 21 box jumps.. 2min rest then jumped on another 7min AMRAP of 7 power cleans, 14 C2B pull-ups, 21 box jumps.. 5min rest then did my smolov cycle at 215# 7 sets at 5 reps.. Now I'm ready to Uber my ass back to the hotel! #crossfit #weightlifting #crossfithellskitchen #nyny #newyorkcityraw #smolov #smolovcycle #beyondthewhiteboard #teamcrossfit #dowork