: A little stretching was in order today since I got my #arse kicked by MMX yesterday! 🙊🙈 So #isometrix it is! Can't believe I kept my balance that long! Woot woot! #balancestuff #yoga #treepose #fitgirl #healthisnotasize #effyourbeautystandards #stretching #strongisthenewskinny #loveyourself #namaste
: A little stretching was in order today since I got my #arse kicked by MMX yesterday! 🙊🙈 So #isometrix it is! Can't believe I kept my balance that long! Woot woot! #balancestuff #yoga #treepose #fitgirl #healthisnotasize #effyourbeautystandards #stretching #strongisthenewskinny #loveyourself #namaste
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