loveovionna_: Hard to believe back in August we were at the concert singing American Soldier and I was screaming "this is for you best friend!" Well here time is almost 5 months later and you're off to a new journey in your life. I have never appreciated a friendship so much in my life until now. Every face time, every conversation, every moment working at HDS together, every 2 hour car ride and every trip to McDonalds means literally everything to me and I promise you we had the best times. People might've thought we were annoying or obnoxious but it's literally because no one understands our friendship. Or they're jealous 💁🏼 These 5 months are going to fly by and I know you will do great. Work out so hard your booty gets bigger than mine. I'll be writing you all the time and praying for your safety. Don't do anything I WOULD do because we all know I'm willing to try anything 😂 I'll see you soon Raggie. I love you.❤️💙✊🏼 #armystrong #soldier #thatsMYbestfriend