: back and biceps today. did deficits for my deadlift today. kept it pretty light. 165x5 165x4 175x3 185x2 185x2 and then 135x5 to end it. felt really weak in DL last week so i just wanted to make sure i kept it light and practiced my form and loading my hips more. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ deficits as described above 4x10 pendalay rows ssw/ 5 assisted pull-ups (phone wouldn't videotape them) 2x5 bent over rows 12,10,8,4 lat pull downs 12,10,8,6,4 cable rows 12,10.8,4 upright rows 12,10,8,4 barbell curls 12,10,8,6 hammer curls 1 set of 21's ab work for 5 minutes be sure to check out my new blog post later today! link is in my bio! #powerlifting #girlswholiftheavy #barbellsandponytails #deadpull #batman #deadlifts #250kchallenge