: Alright well it's that time again. On to preparing physically for the next role. Much different training style than I did for #Ballershbo #Season2. This is more geared for full body compound movements. Functional training with German Volume Training at the core. People ask me why I don't do abdominal exercises... I do. They are called Pull Ups, Deadlifts and Dips 🤘😉🤘 German Volume Training: 10 sets of 10 reps. Functional Training: body weight exercises to help you function through your day HIIT: High Intensity Interval Training Compound Exercises: Use multiple major muscle groups to complete rep (most beneficial for transformation) Try using a few of these simple angles to attacking your body. What's your favorite technique? #Actor #Fitness #fitlife #IgFit #love #Igers #Igdaily #Transformation #motivation #film #Tv #Filmprep #miami #atlanta #LA #Nutrition #CornerBoothEnt #AlexanderWhite #teamAWA #IDontLikeWorkoutPartners