: It's true when they say if you DO NOT keep up with working out or lifting how quickly you will see your body become weaker and more tired 😞 Just a matter of 3 months doing less exercising has made a huge difference to my body 😔 My body was struggling tremendously tonight. I felt sick to my stomach just from "lifting heavy" again. I went from having my trainer train me at the gym 4-5x a week to MAYBE hitting the gym 1-2x every two weeks since I've began studying for my Series 6 license. The weight I ONCE could lift with no problems at all felt like the heaviest weight I've ever lifted. I literally had to start at baby weight (light weight) like in these videos 😖 I became frustrated at myself so easily tonight. But I realized that it was okay to be frustrated with yourself because sometimes you have to be face some of your STRUGGLES first, or without them, you will never stumble across your true STRENGTHS. I realized that I will be back at it soon enough and will get my strength back. I can't stop now and won't give up now! 💪🏽👍🏽 It won't happen over night, and it may take weeks to months to be back lifting the heavy weight I used to lift, but I'll get there. Eventually. #TrustTheProcess #GirlsWhoLift #PatienceIsKey #Goals #DontGiveUp #KeepGoing #Motivation #Strength #StrengthIsBeauty