: Difficult personalities can make life tough. I have found that most people respond positively by killing them with kindness. Meaning take a genuine interest in them, find things that you have in common & strike up a conversation about it. When you notice something you like about them tell them. Genuine compliments only! People can smell fake a mile away. There will sometimes be toxic people who are impossible to negotiate. The only strategy I have found that has been completely effective to gain peace in my life to to cut those people out. I know this can be very difficult if it's a significant other, a family member, a coworker, a friend. But what other option is there? Choosing to stay is like choosing to drink poison. It cankers the soul & darkens the mind. We are the average of the 5 people we associate with the most. Having someone like that in my life every day makes it impossible to be healthy & happy. Take courage & begin making big the changes necessary to surround yourself with healthy honest supportive people. You deserve it. #killthemwithkindness #relationships #selenagomez #lvac #teamcutler #chestday #fullbodyworkout #ladyinthestreetsfreakinthegym