: Praise be to #6god 🙏🏽 Started to deload yesterday, felt like shit, didn't wanna get my ass outta bed then watched @mikerashid on YouTube when I was trying to pass out & after that I HAD to get my bitch ass to the gym #ISYMFS threw on the #Camo gear & it was #Hunting time #💪🏽 Bench 2 reps 6 sets @ 275 (shown) Deadlift 2 reps 6 sets @ 405 Bent Over Row 2 reps 6 sets @ 225 (shown) Shoulder Press 2 reps 6 sets @ 80 (shown) Leg Press (different machine then usual) 2 reps 6 sets @ 810 Barbell curls 2 reps 6 sets @ 135 (shown) Straight bar Skull Crushers 2 reps 6 sets @ 110 Felt good, ready to slowly rest then turn it up to start cutting... It's about to get #Supernatural fly like an #Arrow fucking #Excited #Finally Winter ❄️