: May the fourth be with you For a kid who was born in the 80's Star Wars played a major role in our life Unfortunately We saw on VHS and we heard how big it was when it was screened in the cinemas The movie has it all good story, visual effects, swordsmanship, drama and horror ( death Vader) scared the shits out of us In the 90's we heard that the time has come to produce the 1st 3 films so we were lucky to enter the cinema and experienced the feeling that we missed regardless if people liked the new ones or not at least we experienced it Many years later they Disney decided to make there more films and we were happy The 7th episode was good and many people loved it Yet I guess we were nostalgic But what Disney trying to do now ? They decided to milk the cow until death, many film are being produced under the franchise umbrella ( Star Wars rogue one, plus they announced Han Solo film ) what the hell are they doing ? please save Star Wars from Disney Before the destroy the legacy May the force be with you guys #starwars #maythe4th #films #cinema #bahrain #theforce #darthvader