bearded_beast92: Did a little deficit work today with 455 for 5 sets of 2 reps. I'm getting stronger everyday and plan to KILL IT at my next competition! This is a lifestyle for me. I love lifting heavy shit all day everyday! Nothing is going to stop me from reaching the top!
#LegionOfBoom #1stphorm #iam1stphorm #1stphorm4life #nextlevelshit #alpha #health #fitness #fit #workout #bodybuilding #cardio #gym #train #training #health #healthy #instahealth #healthychoices #active #strong #motivation #instagood #determination #lifestyle #diet #getfit #cleaneating #eatclean #exercise
bearded_beast92: Did a little deficit work today with 455 for 5 sets of 2 reps. I'm getting stronger everyday and plan to KILL IT at my next competition! This is a lifestyle for me. I love lifting heavy shit all day everyday! Nothing is going to stop me from reaching the top! #LegionOfBoom #1stphorm #iam1stphorm #1stphorm4life #nextlevelshit #alpha #health #fitness #fit #workout #bodybuilding #cardio #gym #train #training #health #healthy #instahealth #healthychoices #active #strong #motivation #instagood #determination #lifestyle #diet #getfit #cleaneating #eatclean #exercise
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