: There's excuses and then there's dreams and you can't have them both. This is T25 Cardio- modified while carrying two one year olds around. My kids haven't figured out this day light savings thing yet. We're still up at 4-5am and so getting up before them to workout isn't happening. But today I pushed play and got in my workout. I loved when Shaun T said (paraphrased) "I see you using the modifier, that's okay- feel good about yourself." I've been battling some #anxiety #depression and feelings of being #overwhelmed and I could easily let these feelings continue to make me #numb and continue to eat in order to fill some void or I can catch this before it gets out of control and gain control over my life again. Working out and eating right doesn't cure these feelings. For that you need to reach out to your doctors and work with them - but eating right and working out does help these feelings from taking complete control over me. This time of year is incredibly hard for so many of us. Keep your chins up and remember that food may temporarily fill a void but it's not fixing anything going on mentally. Chins up. Reach out and talk. And take time for you! You are worth it ❤️