sahlos: So I was in the training mode of #SmashBros when I discovered this trick with #LittleMac. I pulled it off on someone last night and I've been trying to pull it off ever since and I think I finally got it. You have to be VERY quick with this but it's almost a guaranteed death. So Little Mac's jab pushing him backwards right? And his KO Punch lunges him forward. So when Little Mac goes into his frenzy of punches in his jab (You can see it like 2 seconds into this video) mash the B button before he falls too far back and BOOM! This is easier to do on heavier characters like Bowser, but at certain percents, light characters like Mewtwo can DI out of it. Nevertheless, if you use Little Mac, this is something you definitely want to keep in mind, as I'm sure it will end MANY games VERY quickly.