jimromig: Here is today's version of #StaySquareGetStrong 3-6 reps of each with a pause at each end range of motion. Rest 1-2 minutes in between rounds. Repeat up to 5 times that day and 2 or 3 times during the week. For each drill, keep yourself as squared up as possible and OWN THE SHIT out of each rep. Exhale through the effort part of the drill, matching the intensity of the exhale with the intensity of the exertion. Keep the spine long and hugged, drawing in with the belly button, ribs, and shoulder blades while reaching up through your head and heart. Keep your weight distribution in mind, holding it over the back 2/3rds of the feet while driving the heels and balls of feet into the ground, with the toes spread (when the feet are flat). Press inner edge of the ball of foot and big toe, with the toes spread and active, when the heels are up ( like in the kneeling position or the back foot in the staggered squat. Keep the "scissoring" or "pinching" feeling in between your footprints. -Suitcase Deadlift- Drive through both feet (especially those heels) as evenly as possible. Maintain a slight internal rotation of your thighs, screwing the feet into the floor. Keep that back as flat as possible, long neck and all. Act like you're holding 2 bars to help keep balance. Lock those elbows and get a proper grip on the bar. -Kneeling Single Arm Press- Grab in the center of the bar. Drive up through the 2 big knuckles and be sure to pull the bar back in place... No dropping. Reach back through heels/soles of feet while pressing the balls of feet/big toes into the floor. Keep body as still as possible as only 1 arm moves. -Contralateraly shoulder loaded bag staggered squat- Try and keep a slight tuck of the tailbone throughout. Press up into the bag with your heart, not allowing the bag to sink your chest. Keep 80-90 percent of your weight on the front leg (back 2/3rds of foot with toes spread, find and keep that inner edge of the foot active). Squeeze ass at top, standing all the way tall. Stay level and square the whole time. Smiling helps a little too 😁 #MedBallAthletics #MBAC #AntiRotation #WolfFitnessSystems #WolfPack #UnconventionalFitness #Unconventional