: #picplaypost Day 1-4 of 22 #22Kill doing #22pushups I, Barb Poe am pushing in an attempt to raise awareness to the fact 22 AMERICAN VETERANS will commit suicide TODAY! I challenge Anyone. If you accept post video. I want to help spread the word that veteran suicide is not the answer. Continue to find the emotional and physical strength you never thought existed. A new video will be posted each day for next 22 days, each with someone new being challenged. - How it works. Video yourself executing 22 push-ups to your ability - post video to Facebook and other social media using hashtags above - talley your push-ups (i.e. A group of 4 people in video doing push-ups would look like this #88Pushups for #22Kill) -call out your friends, family, battle buddies...the POTUS, anyone the sky is the limit the goal is to raise awareness for our service members who are battling this demon The organization links below are raising the bar in creating a culture that OUR veterans know their sacrifice was not in vain. To participate visit www.22Kill.com Share in this noble cause Http://www.honorcouragecommitment.org/ This organization promotes Veteran Entrepreneurship. Help spread the word