crossfit_volition: Exactly a year ago today, we started the CF Volition build out. The growth over this last year from our first free "build out" classes to where we are today has been an incredible experience and adventure. Thanks for everyone who has supported us along the way and is now a part of our Volition Ohana. Feeling very blessed to be surrounded by amazing people. #crossfitvolition #crossfit #volition #cfv #volitionnutrition #cfvyoga #bayarea #fitarea #olympiclifting #usaw #powerlifting #mobility #gymnastics #endurance #viejostrong #thebarbellwod #roguefitness #progenex #fitaid #skinsaffiliate #purepharma #crossfithtf #volitionathletics #chooseperformance #choosequality #choosetobebetter