: Yesterday I was on a flight that I truly related to as it pertains to life and blessing. The plane rolled up to the runway. It was constantly shaking as it turned to get set for its take off. Then as soon as it was positioned... It stopped. It stayed in a "wait" position for a few minutes. But as I looked around everyone on the outside was still going about their day on the roads and highways. They were oblivious to our situation of wait... Then finally it slowly began to taxi down the runway... It began to finally lift off. And the higher and higher it began to go, I looked at the things that surrounded me disappear below. Finally I was touching the clouds, but there was still turbulence. I was still being shaken... But I was still moving. And just when I thought I was at my destination... Storms were in the city I was headed to, so we were in a holding pattern unable to land. The plane had to go a bit higher to not be caught inside that storm... Now although we were safe where we were... The storms were still raging below. But because of our patience... We were finally cleared to land. This is life and blessing. We will walk this path to our destination, it will come with bumps and potholes, but we will be headed to it. We then will be placed in a position of wait. Not because we are undeserving, but because we are tested for surety. Then the movement towards this blessing. We see things happen... We surpass areas we once stood waiting behind.... We taxi to it, then take off into it. We see worries, enemies and burdens get smaller as we climb higher... But we still are tested, while being in our way. We still may have to be patient before we get to it... But no matter how strong the storm, we climb higher in our faith... THEN WE LAND. After it all WE LAND. Now are you ready for take-off? #LetMeTeachYouSomething #ButGod #Faith #Storms #Patience #SevenJohnson