: Dear shag shag, shaggy, maggy, magdelena, mahlin kaminski, judith, HAPPY MOTHER TRUCKING BIRTHDAY daughter of god. Welcome to 14hood. You are officially part of the old club #earlybirdspecial. I hope you take time on this special day to realize you’re ONE DAY CLOSER TO DEATH ;) any whoo. i hope you have the best day ever cause you deserve it, i guess. Maddie you may have a bit of a “lying” problem but at least you admit it! (like friday on the walk when you claimed your confirmation teacher told you to chuck his bible at the wall!) BSSSSSSSSSS but i luv ya. Maddie you're my favourite refugee and ilysm and i can’t wait for Mr.K and your wedding, love shaggy💘💗❤️❤️💗😑