improviseybg: "Video" by @indiaarie! Hope you enjoy and I hope India sees this! She is a huge inspiration and beautiful human being! 🙏🙏🙏 I changed the words up a bit to fit instagram: "I'm not the average dude from your video/My worth is not determined by the likes on my post/No matter what I'm singing I will always be improviseybg". Remember y'all, don't get caught up trying to "catch up to" or "be just like" someone else. God only created one YOU and you are beautiful no matter what but YOU have to believe it and embrace it first! Run your own race and pave your own lane. Don't worry about anyone else, just keeping doing your very best. Your only competition is YOU! With all that T-Pain "computer love", - B 🎤🎧💯✌️#sing #singing #selfie #singer #indiaarie #video #acousticsoul #acappella #ybgvid #acapella #ACapellaIsLife #7PartHarmony