paperprettiesforyou: Hello to all my lovely followers 🙌🏼 I just wanted to say THANK YOU for your love and support so far! The last two months have been so good to me. The little accomplishments are Big! My goal is to live a happy life doing what I love. To put smiles on people's faces. To encourage YOU to also chase your dreams! I kept saying this was only the beginning, and I was so right. I'm not going to give up ☝🏼️My work space is not ideal, nothing FANCY, but I make it work. I have so much of my own inspiration around me. My #paperflowers and my #ceramics from high school! 😊⭐️ Have a blessed day yall!! #paperflowers #paperflowerbackdrop #walldecor #inspire #dreambig #thankful #cantstopwontstop