xroleplay._: {Open Roleplay} Dylan was not like the other people in school. He was not cruel or mean, but he had a kind personality. He was just so quiet and shy to people he does not know. Lately, he was not feeling himself anymore ever since he had his first break up. He found at the girl was cheating on him from people who spread the news out. He did not believe it at first, but she told him the truth which he was devastated. He never loved himself anymore and always thought he was not good enough for anybody. One day, he was walking down the mall as his head hung low. He suddenly bumped into a person and almost jumped back a bit. "I'm so sorry." He quickly said, looking up to see a familiar person. {You} he noticed that the person was his ex girlfriend's friend. His mouth parted opened as he did not know what to say. "S..sorry again." He said one last time before walking past, quickly. Tags [ #Roleplay #roleplaying #imagines #imagine #dirtyrp #cleanrp #anyrp #rp #openrp #close rp]