xroleplay._: Lily lived in a life and it was not perfect. It was nothing like paradise or even a calm one. Her life was filled with screaming and fighting. Her family was the main problem of hers. Right now, she was in a situation rather she should either run away or kill them all. Kidding..kinda. She was now sitting on the couch while munching on a bowl of fruit. She stabbed her fork into a watermelon as she watched a tv show. She was wearing a light blue color hoodie that said 'My outfit today' also, having black leggings. Her hair was tied into a side braid and had white socks on. She suddenly heard talking going outside the front door as she was about to observe the conversation, until the door swung open. Her eyes caught the sight of her sister, Lucy. Next to her was her new boyfriend {You} as they both held each other hands. She looked down at her bowl and rolled her eyes. "Hey sis, don't mind us. We're just going to 'study'" Lucy made her annoying giggle, causing Lily to almost puke a little inside. The thing about Lucy's boyfriend is that it was Lily's crush but not anymore. She felt a little down whenever she sees them together. It breaks her heart a bit inside. Tags [ #Roleplaying #roleplay #imagines #imagine #rp #cleanrp #dirtyrp #anyrp #closerp #openrp ]