: ACL Post Op Day 32 - back at the gym today at Queen's PEC. Did a rehab session yesterday which was very similar to today. Hamstring still feels very tight so have been keeping it warm wearing compression tights and warming up throughly before sessions. Session consisted of: 1. 30mins watt bike level 1 (keeping balance 50:50 between legs) 2. Glute mini band activation 3. Bosu single leg balance & bodyweight split squats 4. (Shown in video) TKE off 8" box (as pictured) trying to keep knee in line with 2nd toe & bodyweight squats to slightly above parallel (knee was a bit tight at bottom but not sore hence the gym face 😖). #acl #rehab #knee #quads #hamstrings #irishfitfam #squatzgirl #squat #persistence #aclfam #aclfamily #rugbyinjury #rugby #strengthandconditioning #illbeback #nba #adidas #gymlife