the.hiders.of.the.night: Open Rp A girl sat in the forest eyes shining in the darkness, she hopped down from the tree turning her back and walking away. - Few Years Later - Umbreon sighed turning human and ran her fingers through her hair, she blinked seeing someone but shrugged it off. She went laying in the home she made and eventually fell asleep, hair falling in her face. - Few Hours Later - Umbreon woke up yawning and went to rub her eyes but couldn't since she was tied down, "huh...t-the hell...?!" She saw someone in the shadows and she squirmed, they walked over running a hand across her cheek and she tried biting them showing 2 sharp teeth. "Bad girl..." She flinched as they slapped her and she whimpered quietly. "Let me g-go...what did I do to you, and what do you want with me?!" She snapped her eyes shining with fury mixed with fear. - #openrp #umbreon #pokemon #taken