tachi_o: I flew back from Nigeria and came straight to D.C. for this and here's why : Remember back at Temple when certain people who thought they had status or whatever they thought they had were trying to play us? Remember when we spend hours and hours talking about how we know who we are and what we have to offer? Remember we got talked down to and talked about? I came back from burying my father to come to my BEST FRIEND's Law School Graduation to let all of those people know that THEY TRIED IT. Smh. Like what were you thinking. This is only part 1, I'm up next. Smh. Silly rabbits #SamanthaRLWigginsJD #AskandFindOut #GraduationThings #TooProud #Haters #LateNightsEarlyMornings #PayOff #TheComeUp #Girls #Professionals #BestFriend #Love #InsertDrakeLyricHere