improviseybg: I changed it up and put my style on it with a few reharms in the piano but here is "Hanging Tree" by Jennifer Lawrence from the new @thehungergames Mockingjay Pt 1 soundtrack! Don't know why she was so nervous to sing because she did great!! Made with the @picplaypost app! More videos under my #ybgvid hashtag! 👍👍 Tag @omgvoices, @thegoodvoice, @thelivevoice, @globaltalents, @topvoices_, friends, whatever moves you. 🙏🙏 #globaltalents #omgvoices #topvoicescontest #thegoodvoice #AcapellaIsLife #ybgvid #hungergames #mockingjay #rebelsong #ZUMIX #sing #singer #singing #hangingtree #cover #thevoice #piano #keyboard