: San Francisco state university has a College of Ethnic Studies comprised of departments of African studies, Asian studies, Native American studies and Latino studies. This would have not been possible without the strike in 1968. Ethic studies is important for learning about racial discrimination, indigenous peoples, LGBTQ peoples, and those traditionally locked outside of higher education. I believe ethnic studies brings us peace all over the world.That's why I came to here, however the university announced budget cuts of ethnic studies that would mean the end of ethnic studies as we know it. We protested against it and demanded for many things( I can't write here tho because it's too much demands haha) I was really moved because of their strong protests. That was totally different from students in Japan. I respect them and SFSU students. Everyone fought to save the ethnic studies. Education is a human right. I hope it's gonna be success. Thank you for reading! STUDENT UNITED WILL NEVER BE DIVIDED #sfsu#savetheethnicstudies#picplaypost