_xjmgrx_: Thank you to these people because they made my 21st birthday very special with all their surprises & happiness they brought to my life. Also for the people who greeted me with a long message & the people who greeted me on my birthday & didn't forget thank you for putting your time on also making my birthday special. You guys don't know how thankful I am to have each & every one of you. You made this a very memorable experience to me. I couldn't ask for the best family, close friends, & boyfriend in the world. The Lord has blessed me so much. Thank you for not forgetting about me even though it was Father's Day you guys still tried to make me feel special on my special day. And if you guys couldn't make it COUGH COUGH Johanna & Yhaz LOL you guys still made it up by surprising & singing to me. Means so much ❤️ I LOVE YOU ALL ❤️ #speechless #cryingrn #IMNOTLUCKYIMBLESSED #BlessedwiththeBEST