: Years ago we purchased p90x and kept up with this little workout calendar until rest days got shuffled, workouts got skipped, and eventually we both fell off and never made it 90 days. When Dave was in Afghanistan and was doing Insanity with a buddy, I ordered my own and again, never made it to month 2 of the program. THIS time is different because I didn't just order a bunch of DVDs - I drank the Cool-Aid and got myself a coach, and decided go become a coach myself to pay it forward. There is NO WAY I would have gotten my workout in tonight if it weren't for the fact that all I needed was my living room and half an hour, my baby-wearing husband, scheduled workouts just begging to be crossed off, and the accountability of my AWESOME challenge group. THIS is what rocks about #teambeachbody. #beachbodycoach #grattitude #workout #accountability #babywearing #challengegroup