travisbaker_: Trained back this morning with my boy and gave you a little preview of what we did in the video but wanted to give you the whole routine so here it is. Nothing crazy just stuck to basics: Hypertrophy week -Lat pulldowns 7 sets 8-15 -Straight arm pulldowns 7 sets of 10 2 second peak contractions -Low cable pulley rows 5 sets of 8 -Hammer strength rows (pronated handle) 5 sets of 10 -Hammer strength reverse pulldowns 6 sets of 8-15 2 second peak contractions -1 arm dumbbell rows 4 sets of 8-10 Ending with pull up negatives then hitting some HIIT before fueling up for Shoulders tonight. #travisthetrainer #convictedtofitness #onlinecoach #iifym #flexibledieting #trainharderthanme #beardedmuscle #instagramfitness #igfit #shreddedacademy #aestheticsarmy #bodesquad #muscleandhealth #fitsporate #fitness #fitlife #me #photooftheday #picoftheday #love #passion #motivation #beardlife #beardgang #gainz #fitnessfreaks #fitnessplanet #gasparinutrition