jennydumontfitness: Mama, I know you’re tired. I know the baby was up last night. I know you’d rather hit the snooze button than get up and exercise. I know you have guilt about putting yourself first. I know that you don’t think you can squeeze one more second into your day. 💛 I also know that you look in the mirror and say mean things to yourself. I know that you want more energy to play with your kids. I know that you want to feel good in your own skin again. I know you want more time. I know you want to set a healthy example for your kids. 💛 But you somehow don’t know how to be nice to yourself, or seem to be able to muster up the energy for the walk around the block after work, or how to start feeling like yourself again, or what to do to even begin... 💛 I know you because I was you. And I found a way out. I fought for me. I’ve transformed my life into more than I could even imagine. And you can too. This is about so much more than vanity. This is your life. Your future. Your kids’ futures. I have the tools to change your life. You just have to be open to receiving them. #davisworksout # Monday #loveyourself #bethechange #chooseyou #masteryourmindset