: — 🌾 depressed? me too. lonely? me too. unwanted? me too. people are going through what you are. people are struggling out there to be happy. What if Ariana was actually sad like she looked in this edit I made? if she was, she was probably thinking about the people that just block positivity. The people you hang out with, the people you talk to... they are negative. These past few months have been horrible. I got in trouble a lot, I'm almost 200 pounds, I lost friends, I lost my crush.. I lost a lot of things I would love to get back... but forget about that and remember the the good times. Like Ariana did in the second part of this edit. She remembered who she was without them. Be you. Be the person you would like to be. Stay strong. We love you. ❤️ [ I'm a multifandom account btw guys! ] #arianagrande #justinbieber #selenagomez #gaintrick #gainpost