lauradejaegher: The peace I feel in my mind when under the surface is unlike any other feeling I have possessed in my life. In many ways, the underwater world is much better than the world above. Unfortunately, the ocean is in our specie's hands and it is up to us to be aware of what we are doing to it through pollution, over fishing and much more. I feel responsible for keeping a healthy ocean, as we all should, and I will do what I can to sustain and advocate for it while I am alive. I always knew I had a passion burning within me for the wild and animals of all kinds, but after my first 4 dives I can say that that passion has ignited into something beyond what I ever could have imagined. Diving will take me to extraordinary places with extraordinary people and I look forward to helping those who need it along the way, whether they be ocean or land dwellers. Keep fighting the good fight ✌️🌊🐋🐢 #dontlitter #stopsharkfinning #stopoverfishing #lovetheoceans #nature #forceofnature #beincredible #healthyoceanhealthyplanet #dive #padi #conservation #sustainability #honu #hawaii #maui #dreamlife #liveyourdreams #speechless #peace