Zachary F.: Only Trust Him by John H. Stockton, a new one I learned today! 😃 Hope you enjoy! 😁 Also trying out some hums to give it more depth! ✨
#acapella #acapellaapp #onlytrusthim #stockton #featurehymn #collabwithme #zacharyf #hymn #hymnal #zfpraiseandworship #newhymn #satb #hopeyouenjoy #Godbless
Zachary F.: Only Trust Him by John H. Stockton, a new one I learned today! 😃 Hope you enjoy! 😁 Also trying out some hums to give it more depth! ✨ #acapella #acapellaapp #onlytrusthim #stockton #featurehymn #collabwithme #zacharyf #hymn #hymnal #zfpraiseandworship #newhymn #satb #hopeyouenjoy #Godbless
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