Zachary F.: O Little Town of Bethlehem by Philips Brooks and Lewis H. Redner. 🎶 Another great Christmas hymn! ❤️ Hoping this came out well! 😅 Feel free to collab! 👍 God bless you all! 🙏 Merry Christmas!! 🎄❄️😊
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 98 bpm
#acapella #acapellaapp #satb #zacharyf #olittletownofbethlehem
#brooks #redner #harmony #harmonies #praise #worship #hymn #hymnal #zfpraiseandworship #picplaypost #bigacapella #collabwithme #feature #featurehymn #hopeyouenjoy #Godbless #MerryChristmas
Zachary F.: O Little Town of Bethlehem by Philips Brooks and Lewis H. Redner. 🎶 Another great Christmas hymn! ❤️ Hoping this came out well! 😅 Feel free to collab! 👍 God bless you all! 🙏 Merry Christmas!! 🎄❄️😊 Time Signature: 4/4 Tempo: 98 bpm #acapella #acapellaapp #satb #zacharyf #olittletownofbethlehem #brooks #redner #harmony #harmonies #praise #worship #hymn #hymnal #zfpraiseandworship #picplaypost #bigacapella #collabwithme #feature #featurehymn #hopeyouenjoy #Godbless #MerryChristmas
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