Joci: A little Sunday night lullaby about broken hearts ❤️
I could use some more voices (*ahem: men, bass, ladies: even higher harmonies!) I mean the word looks pretty L--E (lame) while incomplete 🙏🏼 Come sing with me!!
#jocijams #joinmycollab #singwithme #sleeplessnights #eddievedder #ukulady
Joci: A little Sunday night lullaby about broken hearts ❤️ I could use some more voices (*ahem: men, bass, ladies: even higher harmonies!) I mean the word looks pretty L--E (lame) while incomplete 🙏🏼 Come sing with me!! #jocijams #joinmycollab #singwithme #sleeplessnights #eddievedder #ukulady #acapellaappstore
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