TheSingingMixer: #SamtheShamandthePharaohs #LittleRedRidingHood is an #OldSchool #classicRock tale about #TheHunterandtheHunted. @evs put together an awesome #guitar #bass #drum #cover & was kind enough to lrt me #collab on #lead (inspired a bit by #TheBobs)! Then @kratissimo brought it home with her fantastic #vocaltrio!!! #tsm #evs #kratissimo #ktm Somehow it feels right for the #halloween season! Still 2 open spots to #joinmycollab!
TheSingingMixer: #SamtheShamandthePharaohs #LittleRedRidingHood is an #OldSchool #classicRock tale about #TheHunterandtheHunted. @evs put together an awesome #guitar #bass #drum #cover & was kind enough to lrt me #collab on #lead (inspired a bit by #TheBobs)! Then @kratissimo brought it home with her fantastic #vocaltrio!!! #tsm #evs #kratissimo #ktm Somehow it feels right for the #halloween season! Still 2 open spots to #joinmycollab!
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