bassdude456: Testing out sone new gear on this one. Got a little board to do more live streams and such... and maybe some bass/guitar/music turorials! This test run is trying to mix guitar and vocal together. Left some boxes for sone more guitar, bass, drums etc. rock on people
#joinmycollab #collab #cover #thebeatles #thingswesaidtoday #aharddaysnight #acoustic #guitar #vocals
bassdude456: Testing out sone new gear on this one. Got a little board to do more live streams and such... and maybe some bass/guitar/music turorials! This test run is trying to mix guitar and vocal together. Left some boxes for sone more guitar, bass, drums etc. rock on people #joinmycollab #collab #cover #thebeatles #thingswesaidtoday #aharddaysnight #acoustic #guitar #vocals
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